Workplace wellbeing on the up!

Workplace wellbeing on the up!

After making a conscious effort last week to post something every day to highlight mental health awareness week it seemed a shame to just stop. Mental illness never goes away and it’s something that needs to be managed, nurtured and taken care of throughout life which encouraged us to be more open about these things in the office and try and make some little changes to our working environment for the better.

We have started by getting ourselves a vase for the office so that we can have fresh flowers every week – we buy flowers to brighten up our homes so the workplace (where let’s face it, we spend a lot of our time) should be no different.

I have kept the ‘Workplace Wellbeing’ notice board up in the office (which you may have seen featured on our social channels last week) so that everyone is able to contribute any tips they may have for improving their wellbeing in the workplace and in day to day life.  

We are in no way experts but me and a few other members of the team felt it was beneficial to be able to share our own experience to potentially help others around us who may not know how to speak out or even understand how they are feeling.

We will keep you posted on the efforts we make to improving the workplace to create a happier environment and, in the meantime, see if there are things you could improve around your workplace to boost wellbeing.


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